Site icon A holistic approach to pediatric care in Frisco and Plano, Texas


During holidays, instead of taking kids to movies, shopping, please try to do the following activities:

1. Go to the nearest bank and show them the functioning of the banks, how ATMs work and what is the benefit of it.

2. Take time out and visit Orphanage, Old age home and explain to them about these places.

3. Take them River side, nearest Sea Shore or Beaches and teach them how to swim.

4. Give them saplings and ask them to plant them and water them and see them grow. Encourage them by saying that they will be presented with gifts for their good deeds.

5. Perform blood donations in front of them and explain to them the need for it. Be a hero (role model) for them.

6. Take them to government hospitals and show them the difficulties of the patients that are going through. Tell them how difficult it is to go through this process of pain if you are met with an accident or faced by any such illness.

7. Take them to your hometown/village and let them spend time with their grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins. Let them experience the affection and good times of being with the family members. Show them what is agriculture/farming and the difficulties a farmer goes through in providing the food that we are eating and that we should not waste food.

8. Take them to the nearby police station, court, jail. Explain them the punishments rendered to the inmates because of their wrong doings. This will make them aware of the bad things they should be away from. Let them communicate with the local officer there and get their questions answered by them.

9. Make them sit beside you and ask them their needs and satisfy some of the useful ones and explain them, which ones are essential and which ones are not. Give them a feeling that you are always there for them in all good work.

10. Take them to all the places of worship without restricting to any single place. Take them to Temples, Mosques, and Church.

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