A holistic approach to pediatric care in Frisco and Plano, Texas

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Mindfulness for kids

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Post-covid, our kids have been facing a lot of mental issues. I have seen a marked rise of depression, anxiety and suicidal-tendencies in kids. Mindfulness is one practice that can be an antidote for the mental stress that our kids go through lately.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Breath Olympics: Challenge your little one to a “Breath Olympics” – who can take the slowest, deepest breath? Winner gets a tickle attack!
  2. Gratitude Guru: Imagine if kids had a “Gratitude Guru” app, where they earn points for spotting things they’re thankful for. Unlock a level, get a sticker – mindfulness gamified!
  3. Mindful Munchies: Turn meals into a taste adventure! Ask them to rate each bite like food critics – “Is this a 5-star broccoli or a 3-star carrot?”
  4. Nature Detectives: Take a nature walk and become “Nature Detectives.” Count how many bird sounds you hear or give flowers secret agent names. Double O Orchid, reporting for duty!
  5. Listening Olympics: Put on a blindfold and have a “Listening Olympics.” Can they identify if it’s the cat purring or you whispering silly jokes?
  6. Yoga Ninja Challenge: Pretend to be “Yoga Ninjas” striking different poses. Bonus points for holding the tree pose without wobbling!
  7. Colorful Calmness: Turn coloring into a mindful mission. Can they color the entire page without going outside the lines? Michelangelo would be proud!
  8. Super Mindful Playtime: Declare a “Super Mindful Playtime” where toys come to life, and adventures happen in slow motion.
  9. Storytime Adventure: During storytime, create a magical world where characters pause to take deep breaths. The dragon needs mindfulness too!
  10. Breath-Counting Race: Turn breath counting into a race. Who can count to 10 with deep breaths faster – the child or a speedy turtle?
  11. The Great Greeting Quest: Make greetings an epic adventure! How many different ways can they say “hello”? Alien greetings are totally acceptable!
  12. Mindful Sneak Attack: Sneak a “Breathing Buddy” into their backpack. When they find it, it’s time for a secret mission: calm breaths in the wild!
  13. Silence Seekers: Challenge the family to a “Silence Seekers” competition. The first one to giggle loses. Winner gets the comfiest pillow for a nap.
  14. Masterpiece Mingle: Art time becomes “Masterpiece Mingle.” Swap drawings mid-creation, and continue each other’s artistic endeavors. Monet meets mini-Monet!
  15. Tech Time-Travel: Imagine if screen time came with a “Mindfulness Meter.” Earn extra minutes by answering a pop quiz on what the cat was doing in the background.
  16. Breath-Sticker Blast: Stick “Breathing Buddy” stickers on unsuspecting objects. Suddenly, the teddy bear or the lunchbox becomes a reminder to take a calm breath!
  17. Reflect-a-Rama: At bedtime, have a “Reflect-a-Rama.” Share the best and silliest moments of the day, giving each one a rating out of 10 laughter points.
  18. Emoticon Extravaganza: Introduce “Emoticon Expressions.” Draw funny faces to represent emotions, making it a game of guessing the feeling.
  19. Weather Whispers: Pretend the weather is a secret message from nature. “Today’s forecast: giggles with a chance of jumping in puddles.”
  20. Puzzle-Stravaganza: Turn puzzle time into “Puzzle-Stravaganza.” Each piece is a tiny victory, and finishing the puzzle is like winning a mindfulness medal!
  21. Breathing Sticker Wars: Launch a “Breathing Sticker Wars” challenge. Stick stickers on each other and see who can stay calm the longest without bursting into laughter.
  22. Hiking Hijinks: On a nature hike, pretend the trees are giving high-fives, and the rocks are secret agents. Nature is the best comedy show in town!
  23. Sleepytime Safari: Bedtime becomes a “Sleepytime Safari.” The goal: spot the sleepiest animal before drifting off to dreamland.
  24. Bedtime Boogie: Create a “Bedtime Boogie” routine. Dance out the day’s energy before settling down for a night of sweet dreams.
  25. Emotion Explosion: Make a game of expressing emotions. Turn it into an “Emotion Explosion” where feelings burst out in colorful confetti!

The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for a physician’s advice. Always make sure to seek a doctor or a professional’s advice before proceeding with the home treatment plan.

Author: TxNaturalPediatrics

By training, I am a American Board Certified Pediatrician. But in my younger years I grew up with natural alternatives. As a mom I have tried to incorporate both for my kids and it has worked wonders. And finally, as I am studying natural & alternative medicines, I realize the beauty and wisdom of living closer to earth. Hence in my practice I integrate both...for acute ailments I follow American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation but for simple and/or chronic conditions I prefer natural alternatives. In western training we were raised to think that "health is the absence of symptoms and problems". But eastern sensibilities has educated me that "Health is state that allows one to use the full capabilities of their body, mind and intellect. Therefore, healthy living is a balanced state of well being: physically, mentally, socially and spiritually." This implies that healing is not a "one-pill-fits-all", but a personalized experience.

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